Haresh Clay
Haresh Clay was born in 801 in Kumbi in the Kingdom of Ghana with the name Areshanti. In 834, he suffered his first death while attempting a tribal ritual which would have made him chief hunter of his tribe. He soon met his first teacher, Sudala, who not only taught him about his Immortality, but also told him that he had to become the champion of the Africans and encouraged him to fight only the best. Eager to prove himself, he followed that principle with a vengeance: he challenged only the best, most powerful immortals, in the hope of proving his manhood.
Design Concepts
Haresh Clay can use his Persona Power in Highlander the Card Game to make attacks he plays undodgeable. He was designed to use the Nimcha Weapon of Choice, but he pairs well with many other weapons like the English Longword (Appel) and the Katana (Lunge). He also runs smoothly with a Dirty Trick based deck as those can't be blocked.