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Marcus Octavius

Marcus Octavius was an Immortal Roman, after the fall of Rome, he dreamed of creating his own perfect utopia; a new Rome. He was the enemy of Colin MacLeod, who wanted vengeance for the murder of his wife.

In the year AD 125, Marcus and his troops attacked a Celtic village in Northern Britain, burning it to the ground and killing all the inhabitants. Only Colin survived and swore revenge for the death of his wife, Moya, whom Marcus crucified as he forced her to witness the destruction of her people. Colin fought against Octavius, but was defeated without much effort. Before Marcus could behead Colin, he was dragged to holy ground (Stonehenge) by his horse. Shortly thereafter, Marcus left Britannia.

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Marcus fights Colin

For the next two millennia, Marcus tried to re-create his New Rome. He served in many powerful empires like the British Empire and Nazi Germany. Marcus also fought many times against Colin during this time and always easily defeated him. In 16th century Japan, during his travels, he found an newly immortal woman on a battlefield, and took her as his pupil.

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