Rebecca Horne
Rebecca was born in the year 1,200 BC in Mycenae. She suffered her first death when she was killed by a jealous slave.
In the year 850, Rebecca met the green Immortal Amanda, whom she taught about Immortality, The Game, and how to fight. They become good friends, but Amanda could not let go of her thieving ways and one day, tried to steal the crystals of the Methuselah Stone in Rebecca's care. Rebecca, in her grace, decided to forgive Amanda and continue teaching her. Rebecca would go on to teach many young immortals, including Luther which would ultimately lead to her demise.
Always a lady, with a sense of style and elegance that transcended millennia, Rebecca was Princess Grace with a three thousand year reign. But gentle Rebecca was not without her bite, too -- no Immortal lives so long without a formidable sword arm, even if they do own an abbey on Holy Ground. She was also a remarkable teacher, passing on both her knowledge of the sword and her wisdom and love to numerous students, some of whom followed her teachings better than others.